

Anil Srivastava

Anil Srivastava, President @ OHSL


Anil Srivastava as head of Open Health Systems Laboratory (OHSL) located on the JHU Montgomery County Campus as US National Cancer Institute (NCI) in Rockville, MD, leads the ICKA: International Cancer Knowledge Alliance and ICTBioMed: International Consortium for Technology in Biomedicine beside serving as Special Volunteer, Radiation Research Program (RRP) and Member, Quantitive Imaging Network (QIN) International Liaison Committee at NCI.

In the past he has worked as international program coordinator with NCI’s Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (NCI CBIIT) where he led the IUCRG: Indo-US Cancer Research Grid initiative which led to the creation of the National Cancer Grid in India. Later he served as senior advisor for life sciences with Internet2 (University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development) and Advisor to India’s National Knowledge Commission which established the direct fiber connection between the research and education network of India (National Knowledge Network) and United States (Internet2).

Harshal Shah

Harshal Shah


Harshal helps build & scale digital businesses. I love building high performing teams, helping grow revenue and brand through strategy, operation excellence, business value, and leadership.
An entrepreneur at heart & a former healthcare co-founder, I continue to be a start-up advisor and investor.
My roots in technology from being a developer to an architect drives me passionate about technology solutions.

PK Gupta

PK Gupta


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.